July 2017 CfS Executive Meeting - Report

Campaign for Socialism Executive Meeting – 17th July 2017

In attendance – P = on the phone/video call

Grant Aitken, Lesley Brennan (P), Seán Duffy, Lauren Gilmour, Tommy Kane (P), Stephen Low, Siobhan McCready (P)

Apologies Nathaniel Butler Blondel, Linda Clarke, Martyn Cook, Mike Cowley, Neil Findlay, Lisa Hughes, Laura McDonald, Hazel Nolan, Maureen Sharkey

1. Festival of Socialism

26th provisional date

Executive representatives to meet with interested parties and elected representatives to discuss the format of the event on Friday 21st

Preferably an afternoon/evening event to accommodate schedule of guest speakers. Potential musical acts to be sought who will be paid Musicians Union rates.

Executive members to ascertain viability of venues with a view to a capacity of 400 – 600

Price to be between £10 - £15 per person, with reduced rates for various groups.

2. Special conference to amend constitution

Moved to next executive

3. Online ballot for Momentum NCG representative

An independent returning officer to be selected who will set up a Survey Monkey poll. Initial expressions of interest from potential candidates to be sought.

4. General election and SEC report

General election report finished and to be released on the website and pushed on social media immediately afterwards.

Press release to go out accompanying report.

The SEC have held off crucial decisions regarding candidate selection until September, thus an SEC report will follow that meeting

5. Local group volunteers for Nation Builder training

Moved to next executive

6. Members pack

Ongoing. To be reassessed at next meeting due to absences.

7. Union affiliation

A letter is to be written to all desired unions seeking affiliation and stating that branches may affiliate also if they wish to do so. Rate for affiliation to be decided.

8. Funding for local groups

Treasurer to assess funding capacity for contributing to local groups needs, particularly for online advertising.

9. Motions for consideration

The following motion was passed in the name of Stan Crooke:

The CfS Executive will:

a) Produce a general leaflet, with a shelf life of about a year, about the CfS, its policies, its achievements, its plans, etc., etc., and encouraging people to join the CfS.

b) Give consideration to production of a hard-copy, two-sides-of-A4 newsletter/bulletin (which can also be circulated electronically) every two months, for distribution by CfS members at CLP meetings in particular (and other events as appropriate), covering recent events/political debates and pending events/political debates.

10. AOB




Glasgow CfS-Momentum AGM, Motions and Standing Orders


July 2017 Momentum National Coordinating Group - Report