CfS January Executive Report
Campaign for Socialism Executive Meeting – 30th January 2018
In attendance – P = on the phone/video call
Grant Aitken, Lesley Brennan (P), Linda Clarke, Martyn Cook, Seán Duffy, Jess Galloway, Stephen Low, Siobhan McCready, Paul McNally, Lorcan Mullen (P) Maureen Sharkey
Nathaniel Butler Blondel
1. Update on selections
15 of Scottish Labour’s 20 key target seats have been chosen as all women’s shortlists by the SEC. The vote for following an AWS model was 14/7.
Agreed by the SEC that everyone who previously stood should be automatically on the panel, the executive agreed.
Panels will consist of 8-12 people, 4 of whom must be representative of the trade unions, and must reside within the boundaries of the Westminster constituency. Must be gender balanced.
Anyone who received 50% or more of the trade unions support will automatically be shortlisted.
Executive agreed a process to endorse candidates and this will be taken forward.
2. Update on deputy leadership
Decision has been pushed to the Summer or afterwards by the SEC. Consensus that it would be an unnecessary distraction at this time.
3. SEC representative reports
Agreed to increase the number of SEC reports that are being circulated to members.
4. Membership drive
Moved to next meeting
5. Roles and responsibilities on the executive and local groups
Long overdue setting up sub-committees which the Ordinary Members are largely responsible for. Agreement that this structure will have to be revisited if it is not functioning.
6. Disciplinary proceedings
It was decided that a code of conduct and disciplinary procedure should be written and moved at the AGM to which all members are signed up to.
7. Update on Aberdeen councillors
Situation ongoing, new leadership has begun to discuss with councillors. Further moves will be dependent on the councillors approach to the local budget.
8. Fringe meeting for Scottish conference
Suggestion that we should hold a drinks event at conference to attract new members. Grant Aitken to look into feasibility. Joint session with Unite is going ahead.
9. Democracy review
Review ongoing. CfS members to be encouraged to meet and submit proposals.
10. AOB
AGM will be 25th March in Kirkcaldy