July Executive Report
Report of the Campaign for Socialism Executive meeting 7th July 2018
Present: Martyn Cook (Dial-in), Lorcan Mullen, Carol Mochan, Jess Galloway, Paul McNally (Chairing), Grant Aitken, Stephen Low,
Apologies: Mike Williams, Maureen Sharkey, Sean Duffy.
1. Chair Report
Our current policy officer has stepped down. It was agreed to leave this and any other positions vacant until the next AGM. UK Conference is scheduled for September, CfS should organise a motions based meeting for CfS in advance of this.
2. Secretary Report
To follow.
3. Treasurer Report
The treasurer reported that the change of signature forms had been sent to the cooperative bank and we are awaiting a response. To add a ‘donate here’ page to the CfS Website.
4. Westminster SelectionsAgreed to hold a review of the process for nominating and supporting candidates.
5. Supporting Selected Candidates Agreed to setup a sub-committee to listen to feedback from candidates.
6. Summer Activism
Grant organised a mini-campaign on poverty week in Clackmannanshire. The campaign was Grant had asked for a £250 donation to the campaign.Proposed: Martyn CookSeconded: Carol Mochan.
The campaign was focusing on back-to-school kit as children could not afford this. This was similar to the campaign run in Pollok by by John Beattie.
7. Local Reps Review
It was not always clear what was happening in some areas and specifically who the nominated representative was. The committee asked better feedback from local groups with meeting and activity reports. GDPR training can be supplied by Jess.
8. Next All Members Meeting
The AGM had mandated the meeting to be on the issue of Trans-rights.
No date or format had been set for this yet.Martyn to contact Mike WilliamsonArrange a policy based all members meeting for Autumn/Winter, the preferred location being Dundee or Stirling.
9. Political Education
Martyn Cook reported that a number of workshops have been designed for local groups to present to members. The first would be ‘the history of labour in Scotland’ Designed by Ewan Gibbs. Budgets would be supplied to local groups for hiring a venue and catering, the first talk is ready and should proceed as quickly as possible in each area.
10. AOB
Date of next meeting: 4th August.