Constitution and Standing Orders of the
Campaign For Socialism
Ratified at Annual General Meeting 2017
“The standpoint of the old materialism is ‘civil society’; the standpoint of new is human society or socialised humanity.”
“Socialism with its promise of freedom
Its larger hope for humanity
Its triumph of peace over war
Its binding of the races of the earth in to one all embracing brotherhood, must prevail.”
“Those who do not move, do not notice their chains.”
1. Name
2. Aims
3. Objectives
4. Membership
5. Annual General Meeting (AGM)
6. Executive Committee
7. Extraordinary General Meeting
8. Quarterly Meetings
9. Process and Format of Officers’ and Executive Meetings
10. Scottish Labour Young Socialists
11. Local/Interest Groups
12. Amending the Constitution
1. Name
I. The group shall be known as, “The Campaign for Socialism” (hereinafter referred to as CfS).
2. Aims
I. CfS is an open and democratic organisation which is committed to the electoral success of the Labour Party and, by winning Labour to a socialist perspective and strategy, to the transformation of society from the alienation and exploitation of capitalism to socialised humanity.
II. To sustain and enhance the principles, values and vision of the founding organisations and members of the Labour Party and movement in Scotland and Britain.
III. To demonstrate, through publications, events and campaigning, the continued relevance of developed socialist praxis and in so doing influence the policy and practice of the Labour Party and movement.
3. Objectives
I. CfS understands that society is fundamentally divided through irreconcilable class interests. Consequently, CfS endeavours to support community, industrial and political class struggle to challenge the power of capital and establish a society free from exploitation and war.
II. CfS recognises that the Labour Party is the institutional political wing of the labour and trade union movement and that it is important to win the party to a socialist perspective based upon the common ownership of the means of production, distribution and exchange.
III. CfS believes that the ravages of global capitalism not only lead to increased inequality, poverty, disease, starvation and war; but threaten the very sustainability of our planet. In these conditions CfS believes that a socialist society is more important than ever before and that the development of practicable steps towards constructing it is the urgent task facing socialists.
IV. CfS recognises the importance of acting as an organisational focus for all those within the Labour Party and wider labour movement who agree with the above aims, and wish to see them form the basis of the Party’s approach to policy making.
4. Membership
I. Anyone who is eligible for membership of the Labour Party and accepts the aims and objectives above is eligible to become a member of CfS.
II. Members will pay an annual contribution to support the activities of CfS.
III. Membership rates for the forthcoming year shall be decided at the AGM or an EGM by a democratic vote. A vote may be taken by roll call, ballot, or show of hands as decided by a majority of the members present and voting.
IV. Non Labour Party members can join CfS but they cannot be a member of any other political organisation which stands candidates against the Labour Party.
V. Members may receive copies of The Citizen depending on decisions taken by CfS from time to time on the publication and distribution of journals as agreed by an AGM, EGM or the Executive.
VI. Members can, if they wish, contribute to CfS policy and publications.
VII. Members are encouraged to become fully involved with CfS, the Labour Party and the Trade Union movement.
VIII. All members and groups are subject to the Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Proceedings as outlined in appendix 1.
5. Annual General Meeting (AGM)
I.There will be a CfS AGM held annually in the first quarter of the calendar year.
II.The AGM shall have the power to make fundamental CfS policy and campaign priorities for the forthcoming year.
III.The AGM will take reports from the Executive Committee on the previous year’s activity.
IV.The quorum for the AGM will be 15 members.
V. If, fifteen minutes after the time appointed for a meeting a quorum of members is not present the AGM shall stand adjourned.
VI. Another date for the AGM should be set by the Executive as soon as possible.
6. Executive Committee
I. The AGM will elect the following Executive Committee for the forthcoming year:
(a) Convenor
Officer Positions:
(b) Chair
(c) Vice Chair
(d) Secretary
(e) Treasurer
(f) Women’s Officer
Ordinary Positions:
(g) Ordinary Members x6
The Ordinary Members will have defined The following will also be members of the Executive Committee but elected from their own organisations:
(h) Scottish Labour Young Socialists x2
(i) Local Group Delegates x1 per local group
II. Election to the Executive for positions (a)-(g) will be conducted via the nomination process laid out in the Standing Orders to ensure gender balance.
III. The CfS Executive Committee will be responsible for the implementation of CfS policy and campaign priorities as decided at either (1) the AGM/EGM and/or (2) Executive and All Members Meetings.
IV. The Executive Committee will be responsible for the day-to-day running of CfS in accordance with the broad aims and objectives of CfS and must adhere to the Executive Roles detailed in Appendix 1.
V. All day-to-day decisions must be communicated through the Executive Committee for discussion and approval.
VI. If the membership feels that the Executive Committee is not acting in accordance with the broad aims and objectives of CfS then it can raise its concerns and grievances formally at an Executive or All Members Meetings and, if necessary, call for an EGM to reselect the Executive Committee.
7. Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)
I. An EGM can be called by fifteen members intimating it in writing to the Secretary or by the Executive for any urgent or emergency issues.
II. An EGM must be called within four weeks of this intimation.
8. Quarterly Meetings
CfS shall hold a general membership meeting every there months to promote the discussion of policy, to evaluate campaigning and set campaign priorities. Quarterly General Meetings to be convened by the executive with members to be given at least two week’s notice of the meeting.
9. Process and Format of Executive Meetings
I. A full Executive meeting should be held at least four times a year. These meetings will be notified to all members, at least one week before the meeting, who can submit items for discussion. All members will receive a report of the full Executive meeting within a week of the meeting.
II. The agenda for Officers’ meetings will be circulated to all Executive members. Minutes of meetings will be sent to all Executive Members.
III. For the purposes of making general policy or campaign priorities, a quorum for an Executive and All Members meeting will be 5 members.
IV. If fifteen minutes after the time appointed for an Executive meeting a quorum of members is not present the meeting shall stand adjourned as it relates to policy matters.
V. All agendas shall include the following items:
(a) Chair’s Report
(b) Secretary’s Report
(c)Treasurer’s Report
VI. Members will be notified of the Agenda to an Executive prior to the meeting at least a week before and will have an opportunity to place items on the agenda for discussion by contacting the Secretary.
VI. All motions and amendments should be moved and seconded. The Chair will determine the rules governing the discussion of motions and amendments.
IX. Decisions will be made on the basis of a simple majority of members present and voting. A vote may be taken by roll call, ballot, or show of hands as decided by a majority of the members present and voting.
X. Any member taking part in a vote may enter his or her dissent from the finding.
10. Scottish Labour Young Socialists
I. Scottish Labour Young Socialists (hereafter referred to as SLYS) is an organisation of members of CfS who are under the age of 30.
II. SLYS will elect two of its members annually who will have seats on the CfS Executive Committee.
III. SLYS will support CfS in its efforts to promote socialism both within and out-with the Labour Party, but will remain autonomous from CfS. As young members, SLYS may from time to time have priorities which differ from those of CfS, and as such SLYS will have a separate constitution and internal structure from CfS. In particular, SLYS will retain the ability to determine its own policies and handle its internal issues independently from CfS.
11. Local Groups and other Affiliates
I. Members living in any particular locality are encouraged to set up a local CfS group in order to take forward the aims, objectives, policy and political positions of the CfS as determined at an AGM, EGM or as determined by the Executive Committee from time to time.
II. All members of a local group must be members of CfS and the group must report on its activities regularly to the Executive Committee of the CfS.
III. Each local group is entitled to one place on the Executive Committee once they have been ratified by the Executive.
IV. Members with a common interest may organise on that basis in order to promote the aims and objectives of CfS. The form of organisation, the frequency of meetings etc. should be left to the particular group to decide.
V. Other organisation may seek to affiliate or otherwise work in solidarity with CfS. Decisions on affiliation or joint working can be agreed by an AGM, EGM or Executive Committee.
VI. Elected representatives, such as Councillors and SEC representatives are also encouraged to establish links and the Executive may invite individuals to the Executive Committee .
12. Amending the Constitution
I. The Constitution can be amended at an AGM or EGM by two thirds of those present voting in favour of any amendments.
Appendix 1
Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Proceedings
Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Proceedings for individuals and local Groups associated with Campaign for Socialism (CfS) Individuals and groups using the CfS or Momentum name in Scotland must operate according to the following principles and expectations at all times:
• CfS promotes the values of fair, honest debate focused on policies, not personal attacks or harassment with a view to building movements both electorally and within communities to achieve a socialist society. All members have a right to contact and receive adequate reply from their elected CfS representatives within a reasonable period, and these interactions at all levels of the organisation must abide by the comradely expectations of the organisation outlined above.
• CfS seeks to build positive relationships with Constituency Labour Parties, trade unions and other labour movement groups or campaigning organisations that share its aims and principles, whilst respecting the fact we are allied to and a key part of the Labour Party. As such actions taken by individuals and groups should not unduly jeopardise that relationship or cause the CfS to be brought into disrepute at an organisational level or indeed the Labour Party at an electoral level.
• CfS seek to reach out across the community and encourage the participation of people who may not have been involved in political activities before. Ensuring the safety of everyone is a priority, especially of those who are often marginalised on the basis of their gender, sexuality, ethnicity, race, religion, class, disability and educational or economic status. All members and groups should respect this diversity and make appropriate arrangements to allow for all individuals to take an equal part in any debate.
• Groups of individuals may form local CfS groups to share ideas, organise and participate in activities at their local level, which demonstrate how 'socialist values' and collective effort can make a positive social and/or environmental impact. These groups must be democratic in their nature and be organised around a spirit of collaboration, inclusion and respect. These groups and the individuals acting within them are held to the same standards and are accountable to the CfS executive in line with the constitution and code of conduct.
• All members are expected to abide by the collective democratic decisions of the group in which they are operating under. In the event of a conflict, the decisions of the CfS membership and executive will take precedence. All public and private meetings must allow for proportionate chairing of the debate and respect for the agenda and items outlined prior to that debate.
• CfS and its members are committed to supporting the Labour Party winning elections and entering government at the earliest opportunity at local, Scottish, and UK levels. Any individual or group found to be supporting another political party or obstructing attempts to achieve this goal are in breach of the code of conduct.
Any actions that contravene any of the above goals or jeopardise CfS’s reputation as outlined above will be addressed via the following disciplinary proceedings:
• Failure by individuals to abide by the above code of conduct may result in suspension or permanent exclusion from CfS meetings, online groups and/or membership. Failure by groups to abide by the above code of conduct may result in suspension or disbandment.
• In the event of a complaint being made by any individual to the Secretary of CfS or a similarly appropriate member of the executive in regards the above, the CfS executive must respond collectively within 28 days to the complainant, and if necessary, the individual in question regarding the next steps ahead.
• Any member subject to a complaint that is deemed to have contravened the above has the right to a fair hearing of which they will be given prior notice, provided with an opportunity to answer any accusations against them in front of a panel of their peers, and the opportunity to present their own case with the assistance of a companion of their choosing.
• In this event the executive will convene a disciplinary panel of 3 individual members of the CfS executive, at least one of which must be a woman, and one of which must be a representative from the individual’s local group (should one exist). The CfS executive will decide which members constitute the panel at an executive meeting.
• The panel will make a recommendation no later than 7 days after the disciplinary meeting to the executive at which point the individual will have the right to view this recommendation and forward a written appeal should they wish to do so.
• A written appeal should be submitted to the CfS Executive within 7 days of that decision, stating the reasons why the individual disagrees with the panel’s decision. At the next full Executive meeting, the Executive (minus those involved in the original decision) will decide whether they believe the original decision should be upheld and arrange an appeal hearing if not.
• An appeal hearing will be composed of 5 different members of the executive, at least two of which must be women. The CfS executive, minus the 3 original decision makers, will decide which members constitute the panel at an executive meeting.
• The appeal panel will make a decision no later than 7 days after the disciplinary meeting and inform the individual. The decision of the appeal panel is final.
• Any individual or group subject to this procedure should be notified in writing at each significant stage of the process.
• Refusal to engage in good faith with the disciplinary process can result in expulsion from CfS automatically.
Standing Orders
1.General Provisions
2. Elections
3. The order of debate of motions
4. The parts procedure
5. Procedural motions
1. General Provisions:
I. All members of CfS have full and equal rights to vote, stand for election and submit written motions to an AGM or EGM.
II. The Executive shall establish a deadline for the submission of motions, which shall be no less than 6 days prior to the opening of conference and a separate amendments deadline no less than 3 days prior to the opening of conference. Motions shall require a proposer and a seconder, and amendments shall require a proposer and a seconder.
III. The debate of motions at Annual Conference shall be run in line with these Standing Orders
2. Elections
I. Candidates may self-nominate for positions (a) to (g) as defined in section 6.I of the Constitution. The Women’s Officer will be elected from a Women’s Caucus on the day of the AGM or EGM.
II. A nomination period will be advertised by the Executive in advance of the AGM or EGM, which will be open for no less than 7 days and will close 48 hours before the start of the AGM or EGM. Candidates should indicate their interest to the current Chair or Secretary along with the position they intend to stand for.w
III. The election for each position shall be carried out in the order laid out in the Constitution.
IV. Each candidate will be invited to address the AGM or EGM in advance of voting.
V. The Convener post must be held by an elected representative of the Scottish Labour Party.
VI. The Chair and Vice Chair positions will be elected on a First Past the Post basis. However, if a male is elected Chair, then the Vice Chair must be female.
VII. The Treasurer and Secretary are both open positions elected on a First Past the Post basis.
VIII. The Women’s Officer must be elected from a Women’s Caucus to be held on the day of the AGM or EGM.
IX. The 6 Ordinary Positions will have at least three places reserved for women.
X. Ballot papers will be issued to members on the morning of the AGM, which will list all the contested elections and candidates.
XI. All candidates may observe the count or appoint someone to act as an observer on their behalf.
XII. In the event of any dispute, the decision of the returning officer shall be final.
3. The order of debate of motions is as follows:
I. A proposing speech for the motion
II. Debates on any amendments to the main motion, which follow the same order of debate
III. An equally timed opposing speech against the motion
IV. Further debate at the chair’s discretion until the debate is balanced
V. Parts procedure
VI. A vote. If the chair deems that there is a clear majority, they may declare the motion passed or fallen. If the chair cannot call the vote, the vote must be counted by tellers.
4. The parts procedure is as follows:
I. Any member may call for parts by specifying them in writing to the chair
II. The parts may be to REMOVE or PASS any part of any motion or amendment
III. The chair shall call one timed speech in favour of the parts (property of their proposer) and one equally timed speech against. They may call more if the debate is contentious and there is time.
5. Procedural motions are as follows
I. A challenge to the chair’s ruling on a vote: if this passes a revote on the motion or amendment will be held without further debate.
II. A call for a revote on any given amendment or motion: if this passes a revote on the motion or amendment will be held without further debate.
III. A call for a recount on any given amendment or motion: if this passes a count will take place again.
IV. A call for more speeches on any given amendment or motion: if this passes, another round of speeches will be held. (The chair may also accept this motion without a vote).
V. No confidence in the Chair: requires two thirds majority. If this passes, a new Chair will be elected from the committee by show of hands.
VI. A call for a suspension of procedural motions: if this passes, no procedural motions may be proposed other than motion 8.
VII. A call for a change in the agenda: if this passes, the agenda will be amended accordingly.
VIII. A reinstatement of procedural motions: if this passes, the outcome of motion 6 is reversed.
IX. Procedural motions take precedence over the debating procedure. They can be proposed by any member. In the case of motion 5, the Chair will vacate, and the debate will be chaired by a different member of the Committee.
Job Descriptions
-Must be a member of the Scottish PLP.
Together with the Chair acts as official spokesperson for CfS. The Convenor of CfS also acts as the parliamentary link for CfS, and will chair & coordinate the parliamentary group of CfS. The Convenor will provide CfS AGM with an annual parliamentary update.
Officer Roles
The Chair, together with the Convenor, will be the official spokesperson for CfS. The Chair will chair all meetings of CfS, executive, general all member meetings, AGM, EGM, and associated events. The Chair shall hold casting vote at all meetings. The Chair shall be responsible for coordinating the committee, and assisting executive members.
Vice Chair
The Vice Chair shall Chair meetings, in the absence of the Chair. The Vice Chair will establish a campaign forum sub-committee of CfS for the purpose of campaigns. The Vice Chair will coordinate the work of the campaigns forum/sub-committee. The Vice Chair will be responsible for coordinating internal elections, and local, national, and UK elections. The Vice Chair will liaise with the Policy Officer to campaign on issues of importance to CfS, as decided by all member meetings, and the executive. The Vice Chair will liaise with the Political Education & Events Officer to develop campaign workshops to up-skill and educate members of CfS.
The Secretary shall be responsible for taking & producing notes of each meeting, inclusive of executive meetings, all members meetings, the AGM, EGM, and associated events. The Secretary shall be responsible for booking rooms for meetings of CfS, inclusive of executive meetings, all members meetings, the AGM, EGM, and associated events. The Secretary shall also be responsible for the update and maintenance of the membership details of CfS. The Secretary shall also be responsible for regular communications sent to members.
Women’s Officer
- The Women’s Officer shall be elected at the AGM, or an EGM, by the women’s caucus.
The Women’s Officer will coordinate the work of the Women’s Forum/Sub-committee. The Women’s Officer will be responsible for increasing the membership and participation of women within CfS. The Women’s Officer will liaise with the Vice Chair, the Policy Officer, and the Political Education Officer to develop the skills and knowledge of women members of CfS, and to promote women’s rights and liberation internally & externally through CfS. The Women’s Officer shall chair the women’s caucus.
The Treasurer will be responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of CfS bank account and all expenses, to keep the CfS executive informed of the financial state of CfS, and to provide a financial break down and audit to the AGM, and EGMs. The Treasurer will also be responsible for producing a budget for the activities of CfS.
Ordinary Members
- Six candidates will be elected to the Ordinary Member positions. However, there are key portfolios they should adopt and must report back on at an AGM. The six Ordinary Members should reach consensus on who adopts which roles but can take vote amongst themselves who should take the lead on each portfolio if necessary.
Policy Officer
The Policy Officer shall be responsible for coordinating the Policy Forum/sub-committee of CfS. The Policy & Publications Officer shall be responsible for publication of the Citizen. The Policy Officer will work liaise with groups such as the Red Paper Collective, and liaising with the Vice Chair, and the Political Education & Events Officer on issues relevant to their brief for the purpose of developing the skills of CfS members. The Policy Officer will also keep a record of all policies passed by CfS all member meetings, and will take responsibility for keeping the Executive up to date on CfS policies. The Policy Officer will work with the Publications Officer and the Political Education & Events Officer to ensure that CfS members get to democratically influence and decide the policy platform for endorsing candidates for CfS on internal elections in advance of the endorsement process for CfS.
Political Education & Events
The Political Education & Events Officer will ensure that there are at a minimum quarterly all member events/meetings for CfS, on topics relative to current campaigns or policy development of CfS. The Political Education & Events Officer will be responsible for liaising with the other members of the Executive to produce an annual work programme for CfS. The Political Education & Events officer will be responsible for coordinating with local CfS groups to provide assistance with hosting events and workshops in their area. The Political Education & Events Officer will be responsible for securing speakers to attend events such as the AGM, and other all member meetings run by the executive. The Political Education & Events Officer will also hold responsibility with the Secretary for leading on organisation of the AGM, and EGM.
Trade Union Liaison Officer (TULO)
The TULO will be responsible for maintaining a good relationship with trade unions. The TULO will keep the Executive, and members of CfS up to date with current campaigns and aims of the Trade Unions. The TULO will encourage members of CfS to join and get actively involved in their Trade Unions, and will develop ways for Trade Union members to actively join and get involved in CfS.
Media Officer
The Media Officer will be responsible for the updating and day to day upkeep of the CfS social media accounts, and for liaising with the press through sending out press releases on CfS activity and policy. The Media Officer will also be responsible for liaising with all CfS executive members and producing literature to advertise the activity of CfS.
Fundraising Officer
The Fundraising Officer shall be responsible for securing funding for the activities of CfS. They will liaise with the Treasurer to set targets and seek to secure donations an additional income streams on top of regular membership subscriptions. The Fundraising Officer will also liaise with the Political Education and Events Officer to coordinate fundraising at any political or social events that are being held.
Publications Officer
The Publications Officer will be responsible for editing and commissioning articles for CfS’s own journal ‘The Citizen’, which can take an online or print format, as required. There should be regular articles covering both topical political analysis as well as wider ranging policy topics, that the Publications Officer should liaise with the Policy Officer to promote.